'MacroName:genreFlip 'MacroDescription: '-------------------- function replace(strString as string, strOld as string, strNew as string) as string dim pos as integer pos = instr(strString, strOld) do while pos > 0 strString = left(strString, pos - 1) & strNew & mid(strString, pos + len(strOld)) pos = instr(strString, strOld) loop replace = strString end function '------------------- Sub Main Dim CS As Object Set CS = CreateObject("Connex.Client") CS.GetFieldLine CS.CursorRow, temp$ temp$ = mid(temp$, 6) temp$ = replace(temp$, chr(223) & "v Juvenile fiction.", "") temp$ = replace(temp$, chr(223) & "v Fiction.", "") temp$ = replace(temp$, "stories.", "fiction") temp$ = replace(temp$, "Mystery and detective", "Detective and mystery") temp$ = replace(temp$, "Adventure and adventurers", "Action and adventure fiction") temp$ = replace(temp$, "West (U.S.)", "Western fiction") CS.DeleteFieldLine CS.CursorRow CS.AddField 99, "655 7" & temp$ End Sub