'MacroName:DerivePlus 'MacroDescription:performs common activities when deriving a new record 'written by John Lavalie, Aug. 1, 2006 Global CS As Object '$Include "CCS!replace" '------------------- sub deleteTags(tag as string) found = CS.GetField (tag, 1, temp) do while found CS.DeleteField tag, 1 found = CS.GetField (tag, 1, temp) loop end sub '--------------------- Sub Main Set CS = CreateObject("Connex.Client") subfieldB = chr(223) + "b" subfield2 = chr(223) + "2" subfieldT = chr(223) + "t" subfieldX = chr(223) + "x" subfieldW = chr(223) + "w" subfieldL = chr(223) + "l" DDC = "23" 'current ed. of Dewey 'grab data from old record CS.CopyControlNumber bool = CS.GetField ("040", 1, tag040) bool = CS.GetField ("082", 1, tag082) CS.GetFixedField "BLvl", recType CS.DeriveNewRecord (TRUE) deleteTags("263") deleteTags("856") deleteTags("080") deleteTags("084") deleteTags("648") 'modify new record if instr(tag040, subfieldB) and recType <> "s" then 'parallel record 'fix NUKAT records found246 = false: x% = 1 do found246 = CS.GetField ("246", x%, tag$) if instr(tag$, "Tyt. oryg") then CS.DeleteField "246", x% tag$ = "24010" & mid$(tag$, instr(tag$, chr(223) & "a") + 3) & ". " & subfieldL & " Polish" CS.AddField 1, tag$ end if tag$ = "" x% = x% + 1 loop until not found246 CS.GetField "260", 1, tag260$ if instr(tag260$, "cop. ") then tag260$ = replace(tag260$, "cop. ", "c") tag260$ = replace(tag260$, "] s.", "] pages") CS.DeleteField "260", 1 CS.AddField 1, tag260$ end if CS.GetField "300", 1, tag300$ tag300$ = replace(tag300$, "ilustracje kolorowe", "color illustrations") tag300$ = replace(tag300$, "strona", "pages") CS.ReplaceTextAll ". " & chr(223) & "e Ilustrator", chr(223) & "e illustrator",0 CS.ReplaceTextAll ", " & chr(223) & "e Ilustrator", chr(223) & "e illustrator",0 CS.DeleteField "300", 1 CS.AddField 1, tag300$ if recType = "s" then 'serial deleteTags("030") 'even when 03X is checked, CODEN is retained deleteTags("210") deleteTags("222") deleteTags("263") deleteTags("510") deleteTags("515") deleteTags("580") deleteTags("780") 'invalidate ISSN found022 = CS.GetField ("022", 1, ISSN) if found022 then ISSN = left(ISSN, 3) + " " + chr(223) + "y " + mid(ISSN, 6) substring2 = instr(ISSN, chr(223) & "2") if substring2 > 0 then ISSN = left(ISSN, substring2 - 1) CS.DeleteField "022", 1 CS.AddField 1, ISSN end if 'move old 265 to 037 found265 = CS.GetField ("265", 1, tag265) if found265 then tag265 = "037 " + subfieldB + mid(tag265, 6) CS.DeleteField "265", 1 CS.AddField 1, tag265 end if 'add 082 (required for new CONSER records) 'unless 082 is brought over in derive command found082 = CS.GetField ("082", 1, temp) if not found082 then if tag082 <> "" then tag082 = "08204" + mid(tag082, 6) if instr(tag082, subfield2) = 0 then tag082 = tag082 + subfield2 + DDC CS.AddField 1, tag082 end if end if 'move 785 to 130 found785 = CS.GetField ("785", 1, tag785) if found785 then subpos = -1 do while subpos <> 0 'remove control numbers subpos = instr(tag785, subfieldX) if subpos <> 0 then tag785 = mid(tag785, 1, subpos - 1) subpos = instr(tag785, subfieldW) if subpos <> 0 then tag785 = mid(tag785, 1, subpos - 1) loop tag785 = "1300 " + mid(tag785, 8) deleteTags("785") CS.AddField 1, tag785 end if 'delete DBO and LIC notes foundbad500 = CS.FindText ("Latest issue consulted", FALSE) if foundbad500 then CS.DeleteCurrentField foundbad500 = FALSE end if foundbad500 = CS.FindText ("Description based on", FALSE) if foundbad500 then CS.DeleteCurrentField 'add 043 if not present found043 = CS.GetField ("043", 1, temp) if not found043 then CS.RunMacro "OCLC!Add043" 'add link to old record CS.AddField 1, "78000" CS.CursorColumn = 99 CS.Paste CS.SendKeys "%ei{ENTER}", 1 'insert from cited record end if CS.SetCursorFixedField "Alph" CS.InsertText "a" end if 'fix 082 found082 = CS.GetField ("082", 1, temp) if instr(temp, "08200") then temp = replace(temp, "08200", "08204") CS.DeleteField "082", 1 CS.AddField 1, temp end if 'add RDA CS.GetField "040", 1, temp if instr(temp, "e rda") then 'do nothing else temp = temp & " " & chr(223) & "e rda" CS.SetField 1, temp end if CS.SetFixedField "ELvl", "i" CS.SetFixedField "Srce", "d" CS.SetFixedField "Desc", "i" 'fix usual relator code problems x% = 1 CS.GetField "700", x%, tag700$ do if right(tag700$, 6) = chr(223) & "e Il." then tag700$ = left(tag700$, len(tag700$) - 8) & ", " & chr(223) & "e illustrator." CS.SetField 1, tag700$ end if x% = x% + 1 CS.GetField "700", x%, tag700$ loop while tag700$ > "" 'translate 300 CS.GetField "300", 1, tag300$ tag300$ = replace(tag300$, "s.", "p.") tag300$ = replace(tag300$, "strona", "p.") CS.SetField 1, tag300$ '260 to 264 CS.GetField "260", 1, tag260$ CS.DeleteField "260", 1 CS.GetField "264", 1, tag264$ if tag264$ > "" then 'do nothing else tag260$ = "264 1" & mid(tag260$, 5) CS.SetField 1, tag260$ end if '246 to 240 CS.GetField "246", 1, tag246$ if instr(tag246$, "orygina") then pos% = instr(tag246$, chr(223) & "a") tag246$ = mid(tag246$, pos%) & ". " & chr(223) & "l Polish" tag246$ = "24010" & tag246$ CS.DeleteField "246", 1 CS.SetField 1, tag246$ end if '100 relator CS.GetField "100", 1, tag100$ tag100$ = replace(tag100$, "e Autor.", "e author.") CS.Setfield 1, tag100$ '040 $b CS.GetField "040", 1, tag040 if instr(tag040, chr(223) & "b") then 'do nothing else tag040 = tag040 & " " & chr(223) & "b eng" CS.SetField 1, tag040 end if end sub