Online cataloging resources

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LC catalog

Cataloger's Desktop (subscription only)

Catalogers reference shelf

Internet resources for librarians


ODLIS: Online Dictionary for Library and Information Science

Cataloguer's Toolbox

AUTOCAT archives (AUTOCAT archives for non-subscribers)

Book binding & printing terms

Illinois Public Library Statistics

Publisher's Catalogues directory

Marshall Breeding's worldwide library directory

Hennen's American Public Library Ratings (HAPLR)

Cooperative Cataloging Rules: Cataloging rules links

Cooperative Cataloging Rules: Record formats links


CCS web page

Resources for catalogers & technical services

CCS learning center

View your current system policies

CCS report viewer


OCLC Bibliographic Formats & Standards

OCLC Authorities User Guide

Searching OCLC WorldCat

WorldCat duplicate record merge request

WorldCat record change request

OCLC Authority record change request

OCLC Index of documentation

Connexion (browser version) & WebDewey

OCLC libraries search form

OCLC technical bulletins


ISBN documentation

ISBN check digit calculator ISBN directory to books


LC authority file

Subject heading proposal form

Subject heading change request form

Weekly lists of new Library of Congress Subject Headings

LCSH topical headings usable as form/genre headings


MARC formats and code lists

Order of MARC note tags

Dewey Decimal Classification

025.431: The Dewey blog

New and changed entries

Discussion papers and drafts

Foreign language cataloging

ALA-LC romanization tables

Translations of common bibliographic terms

Google language/translation tools

Foreign Language Online Dictionaries and Free Translation links

National Library of Russia's online catalogues

IBFLIBNET (India's national union catalogue)

Japan's national Diet library catalog

Japan's National Institute of Informatics online union catalog

NUKAT (Poland's national union catalog)

KOLIS-NET (Korean union catalog)

McCune-Reischauer system for Korean transliteration

Korean McCune-Reischauer Romanization Dictionary (for both words and phrases)

Unicode Standard for character encoding

Character encoding in MARC21 records

AV cataloging


AllMusic Guide

Types of Compositions for Use in Music Uniform Titles: A Manual for Use with AACR2 Chapter 25

Yale music cataloging links

Back issues of the MOUG Newsletter (Nov. 1989 to previous year)

MOUG cataloging tools links


Internet Movie Database


Oregon State's map scale calculator

Bureau of Economic Geology's map scale calculator