When to create a new record for print material

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See first the general instructions for when to create a new record.

  • Because there are many more individual exceptions and strange cases when dealing with children's print materials and their frequent reprints & reissues, use the existing record when in doubt about whether or not a new record is needed for children's material.
Major differences: Create a new record Minor differences: Use an existing record
Title, subtitle, or parallel title A difference in the title, or, if both versions have a subtitle, a difference in the subtitle on the chief source of information The presence or absence of a subtitle on the chief source of information, or a difference in the subtitle when neither subtitle is present on the chief source of information
Statement of responsibility A different author, illustrator, translator, or other such responsible person A difference in the form of a person's name
Edition A difference in edition of the style: "Rev. ed.," "Newly illustrated ed.," "2nd ed.," "1st American ed.," and so forth A difference in edition of the style: "1st paperback ed.," "2nd Random House ed.," and so forth
When one has the edition statement "1st ed." and the other has no edition statement or an edition statement in the above category
A difference in edition of the style: "50th Anniversary ed.", if there is no indication that this represents a difference in the content.
A difference in edition for foreign language material (especially Spanish), because a word that translates as "edition" can more often mean "printing" than "edition"
Type size A significant difference in type size (especially if it is produced for users with visual difficulties or requires special equipment like a microprint reader or magnifying glass), such as: standard print vs. large print, "larger print," or mass-market paperback[1]
Publisher   A difference in publisher
Dates   A difference in the publication, copyright, printing, or distribution date, if there is no indication that this represents a difference in the content
Illustrations One version has color illustrations and the other version has black & white or monochromatic illustrations One version has illustrations in one monochromatic color, the other version has a different monochromatic color.
Dimensions A difference in height or width of more than 2 cm. A difference in height or width of 2 cm or less
Construction and Binding A difference in construction such as board pages, fabric pages, pop-ups, flaps, etc. One is hardcover and the other is paperback
Pagination A difference in pagination of 10% or more A difference in pagination of less than 10%, if there is no indication that this represents a difference in content rather than minor differences in type size, differences in where page breaks occur, or whether a final page is unnumbered
Content A difference in the primary content, such as a new chapter, new story, or added coverage of publications, research, discoveries, or other occurrences since the previous version The presence or absence of a sample chapter from another book
A difference in additional material, such as foreword, afterword, "study questions", "readers guide," or interview with the author[2] A difference in insignificant additional material, such as a brief, promotional foreword that has no appreciable content
A difference in accompanying material that is integral to the intended usage of the item in hand A difference in accompanying material that is promotional or advertising in nature, seems to be intended as a free give-away, or which is otherwise not integral to the intended usage of the item in hand
Series   A difference, addition, or removal of a series statement[3]
ISBN   A difference in ISBN
Cover   A difference in the cover
  1. Always make sure there is an edition statement in the local record indicating large print material, using "Large print ed." if there is not an edition statement on the item itself. Optionally, add the edition statement "[Mass-market pbk. ed.]" to records for mass-market paperbacks.
  2. When a reader's guide or the like occurs on unnumbered pages, it may not always be mentioned in the WorldCat record. For current-year publications, add a 500 note about the additional material to the local record.
  3. When there is a new series, add a 500 note indicating the new series and 490/8XX fields for the new series.