Call number analytics for periodicals

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Because of the way the serials module works, and because periodical call numbers almost always need a call number analytic designating the part, periodicals have their own special rules & patterns for the construction of call number analytics.

Primary source of date: Masthead.

Other sources: Cover, spine, running date on pages.

Holds: Any variation in the text of the volume field of call numbers on the same bibliographic record (space/no space, punctuation, extra text, etc.) will cause the system to assume that the call numbers represent different volumes. This affects patrons who are trying to place holds.

However, case does not matter in this field. For example:

V. 1 and v. 1 are a match
Vol. 1 and vol. 1 are a match
Vol 1 and Vol. 1 do not match (punctuation)
Vol.1 and Vol. 1 do not match (space)
Vol. 1 and v. 1 do not match (different text)

The following standard prefixes, chronology and suffixes are used in this form for entering periodicals and their dates, whether items are created in the Serials Module or created in the Cataloging Module.


Type Analytic prefix/suffix Example
Issue Issue (Issue 49)
Number No. (No. 3)
Part Pt. (Pt. 2)
Supplement Suppl. Supplement (June 2018)
Volume V. V. 1
January Jan. (Jan. 2019)
February Feb. (Feb. 2019)
March Mar. (Mar. 2019)
April Apr. (Apr. 2019)
May May (May 2019)
June June (June 2019)
July July (July 2019)
August Aug. (Aug. 2019)
September Sep. (Sep. 2018)
October Oct. (Oct. 2018)
November Nov. (Nov. 2018)
December Dec. (Dec. 2018)
Spring Spr (Spr 2019)
Summer Sum (Sum 2019)
Autumn or Fall Aut (Aut 2018)
Winter Win (Win 2018)
Quarter Qtr (1st Qtr 2022)

When creating predictions, please refer to the publisher's block containing the ISSN for issues to be skipped or combined issues or supplement issues. Note: This information may be different each year.

Weekly publications

Weekly publications that are not combined issues should have a designation in month day year format.

Title examples
US News and World Report (date on issue: June 22, 2006) (June 22 2006)
Economist (dates on issue: Jun 15-21, 2006) (June 15 2006)
(NOT June 15/21 2006 because it is not a combined issue)
TV Guide (dates on issue: March 2-8, 2015) (Mar. 2 2015)
(NOT Mar. 2/8 2015)
TV Guide (dates on issue: Feb. 24-March 2, 2014) (Feb. 24 2014)
(NOT Feb. 24/MAR 2 2014)

Sometimes regular weekly issues are combined and published two weeks apart. Both dates should show in the VOL field:

Title examples
New Yorker (dates on combined issue: January 23/30, 2006) (Jan. 23/Jan. 30 2006)
People (dates on combined issue: December 26, 2005/January 2, 2006) (Dec. 26/Jan. 2 2006)
Variety (dates on issue: June 26-July 9, 2006 a combination of the June 26-July 2 and July 3-9 issues) (June 26/July 3 2006)
(NOT June 26/July 9 2006)
TV Guide (dates on issue: Feb. 2-15, 2015 Double Issue a combination of the Feb. 2-8 and Feb. 9-15 issues) (Feb. 2/Feb. 9 2015)
(NOT Feb. 2/15 2015)

Bi-weekly publications

Bi-weekly publications should have an issue designation that matches the one used by the publication. This could be month and year or month, date, and year.

Title examples
Christian Century (date on issue August 8, 2006) (Aug. 8 2006)
PC Magazine (date on issue May 23, 2006) (May 23 2006)
PC Magazine (date on combined issue July 2006) (July 2006)

Monthly publications

Title examples
Good Housekeeping (date on issue: March 2006) (Mar. 2006)
People en Español (date on issue: Agosto 2006) (Aug. 2006)
Field and Stream (date on issue: December 2005/January 2006)
(published monthly except for combined December/January)
(Dec./Jan. 2006)
Atlantic (date on issue: July/August 2006) (July/Aug. 2006)

Bi-monthly publications

  • If the cover date, date on the spine and the date on the masthead differ, use the larger date span. Most of the magazines that fall into this category have the later month on the cover and the two months on the masthead and spine.


Taunton's Fine Gardening
- cover date August, 2006;
- spine date – July/August 2006 and the
- masthead date July/August 2006
- July/Aug. 2006 (Date to be used for this issue)
Title examples
Taunton's Fine Woodworking (cover date: August 2006; masthead date: July/August 2006) (July/Aug. 2006)
American Heritage (cover date: March 2006; masthead date: February/March 2006) (Feb./Mar. 2006)
  • Some magazines are published every other month (cover date, date on spine, and date on the masthead are the same). The single month and year format is used, unless the day is included on the publication.
Title examples
Workbench (date on cover and masthead is February 2006) (Feb. 2006)
Audubon (date on cover and masthead is January 2006) (Jan. 2006)
Forbes (cover date: December 31, 2019) (Dec. 31 2019)

Quarterly publications

For quarterly publications, use the season year format unless a volume and issue or quarter and year are used for the publication.

Title examples
Chicago Wilderness (date on the issue: Summer 2006) (Sum 2006)
Martha Stewart Weddings (date on the issue: Fall 2006) (Aut 2006)
For example (date on the issue: Autumn 2006) (Aut 2006)
Popular Mechanics (date on the issue: Winter 2018-19) (Win 2018/2019)
FLYING Magazine (date on the issue: Q1 2022 / Volume 149 / Issue 1) V. 149 Issue 1 (1st Qtr 2022)

Bi-Quarterly or Bi-Season publications

Spr/Sum 2006; Aut/Win 2006; Win/Spr 2006
Title examples
Chicago Consumers' Checkbook (date on the issue: Summer/Fall 2006 (Sum/Aut 2006)

Custom Dates

Title examples
Camping Life (One undated issue between April & May is only identified as Gear Guide; according to the text block Camping Life is published February, April, Gear Guide, May, June, August, October and December.) Custom pattern: Feb.,Apr.,Gear,May,June,Aug.,Oct.,Dec.

Supplements/Special Issues

Title examples
Taunton's Fine Cooking (date on issue: June 2018 Supplement) Supplement (June 2018)
Midwest Living: Michigan Travel Ideas (date on issue: 2006) Michigan Travel Ideas (2006)
Marie Claire Holiday (date on issue: Holiday 2018) Holiday (2018)
Scholastic Teacher (date on issue: Back to School September 2018) Back to School (Sep. 2018)

Combining Issues

When combining issues, use what the call number analytic of each issue would have been, not the total coverage span, and separate the dates with a slash, not a hyphen.

Date on issue Combination of Call number analytic
January 23/30, 2006 January 23, 2006
January 30, 2006
(Jan. 23/Jan. 30 2006)
December 31, 2018/January 7, 2019 December 31, 2018
January 7, 2019
(Dec. 31, 2018/Jan. 7 2019)
June 26-July 9, 2006 June 26-July 2, 2006
July 3-9, 2006
(June 26/July 3 2006)
Feb. 2-15, 2015 Feb. 2-8, 2015
Feb. 9-15, 2015
(Feb. 2/Feb. 9 2015)
December 2018/January 2019 December 2018
January 2019
(Dec. 2018/Jan. 2019)
March/April + May/June 2024 March 2024
June 2024
(Mar. 2024/Jun.2024)

Additional notes

Art in America Annual Guide issue
(Cover date: Annual Guide 2005/2006; masthead date: August 2005) Issue date would be Aug. 2005. In the "Public" note of the copy record you may indicate this is the Annual Guide 2005/2006).
US News and World Report Best Graduate School issue
This is the regular weekly issue with a date, not a special issue. In the "Public" note of the copy record you may indicate this is the Best Graduate School issue.
Moo Cow Fan Club Newsletter
There is no date on the magazine just an issue number. Therefore, the call number analytic is: ISSUE 28

When using the serials module, some periodicals, such as Woman's Day and Family Circle, are difficult to predict. Therefore, it is recommended that the pattern should be "Completely Irregular." Each time the magazine is checked in, create the issue using Tools - 'Add Issue / Part.