Bibliographic input standards
Purpose: These standards provide an overview of the content of the CCS database and what standards are followed when new records are added. Specific cataloging procedures for CCS are located on the Cataloger’s Wiki. These standards were developed based on the recommendations of the RAILS Cataloging Working Group (October 16, 2017).
Audience: This document is intended for a broad audience including library administrators, public services staff, technical services staff, and, library staff members outside of CCS.
CCS Fully Cataloged Bibliographic Record Input Standards
In order to provide access to our library’s collections for our patrons, every library should fully catalog materials to CCS standards. Vendors that catalog for libraries also need to follow these standards.
All fully cataloged bibliographic records will follow full RDA standards. (CCS Governing Board November 30, 2016)
CCS catalogers are to follow the practices in the Cataloger’s Wiki, OCLC's Bibliographic Formats & Standards (BF&S), the Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS), and Resource Description & Access (RDA), in that order of precedence.
Libraries should contribute new records or upgrade records in OCLC when possible. This is a part of OCLC’s member agreement and helps other libraries using OCLC for cataloging or interlibrary loan.
Requirements for all Records
An accurate description of the material is required and should include enough information to distinguish one item from a similar item so that patrons can find the record they are looking for. Access points are vital so that the records can be found by patrons. Recommended access points include:
- Creator headings that have been verified in the authority file
- Title headings and series headings
- Subject headings that have been verified in the authority file including Library of Congress Subject Headings and Genre Headings
- Keywords - It is recommended that records have table of contents information and summary notes.
- Numerical access points such as ISBN and other publisher numbers
- Correct format (bibliographic type of material)
- Approved target audience code
- Valid Literary Form code
Bibliographic Standards for Specific Formats
Paperback vs. Hardcover: A paperback edition that has the same content as a hardcover edition is required to be added to the same bibliographic record with exceptions as noted on the Cataloger's Wiki.
Large Print: Bibliographic records for large print material should be separate from records that have regular size print. A large print edition statement should be supplied as well as a genre heading for Large type books. The genre heading should be moved from the 650 to the 655, or added to the record in the 655 field if not present.
Magazines: Bibliographic records for magazines should have a type of material / format of Periodical. When a magazine ceases, the bibliographic record should be updated to reflect the date that it stopped being published. When a magazine changes title or there are other major changes, a new record must be added to the database and the old title updated.
Serials: Serial volumes are added to serial bibliographic records with the exception of Travel Guides, Test Preparation Books, Tax Preparation Books, and Law Guides. These materials are cataloged on monograph bibliographic records.
DVDs and Blu-rays: Media combo packs such as DVD+Blu-ray may be cataloged either on one record as a set, or on separate records for each format. TV shows should be cataloged on a record for the set and not cataloged as individual discs in the set.
Graphic Novels: Graphic novels that are multi-volume and do not have individual titles should be cataloged on a monographic set bibliographic record. For each new volume, an ISBN should be added to the bibliographic record with a qualifier note of the volume number so that the record can be located by ISBN.
Non-English Language Materials: When cataloging Non-English language materials, use English language cataloging records.
Unique Local Material: Unique local materials can include local government documents or Library of Things items. It is recommended that libraries catalog their local materials in OCLC whenever possible. Although the local materials may not be allowed to be loaned, researchers may discover materials of interest when they are cataloged in OCLC. Local records that have an OCLC number will have holdings set in OCLC. If a library does not want the holdings set, the OCLC number can be removed from the local record. The OCLC number should only be removed if all libraries with item records attached agree to have it removed. Refer to the Library of Things and Unique Local Material pages for guidelines on using local records. If it is not possible to catalog them in OCLC, it is still required to have records in the CCS catalog for these materials.
Equipment and other Realia: Libraries that circulate equipment or other realia to their patrons but not outside of their library may use local records instead of OCLC records to describe their equipment.
Electronic Resources: Bibliographic records for electronic resources should be specific to the vendor providing the electronic resource and not vendor neutral.
Detailed Field Requirements
“Core” in some form indicates that the data element must be present in the catalog record if the information is present on the item being cataloged or is easily discoverable. It may be omitted if the information is not present on the item and is not readily ascertainable.
“RDA Core” indicates that the information is required by RDA itself.
“CCS Core” indicates that the information is required by CCS above what RDA itself requires.
“CCS Recommended” indicates that the data element is optional, but should be present in the record if it is not difficult to discover and add.
If a data element is not mentioned, it is not Core and is therefore considered optional. Optional elements that are already present in a record and which will be retained should be verified for accuracy, whenever possible. Optional data already present in a record should not be deleted unless there are specific instructions to do so.
For original entries, OCLC guidelines apply.
The following table documents instances where CCS practice is at variance with OCLC input standards.
Bibliographic Input Standards Chart with Links to the New RDA Toolkit
MARC21 coding | Element Name | RDA Rule | Core | Rationale & Comments |
Leader/06 | Type of Record | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification |
Leader/07 | Bibliographic level | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification |
Leader/18 | Descriptive Cataloging Form | N/A | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers and automated processing routines |
006 | Additional Material Characteristics | N/A | CCS Core | Core only for select formats (non-print serials, e-resources, non-print resources with accompanying print resources, Playaway audio, Playaway View, and any resources with significant accompanying material that would have a different Record Type if cataloged separately); needed for automated format identification; follow core/non-core rules for the same elements in the MARC 008 field |
007 | Physical Description Fixed Field | N/A | CCS Core | CCS Core only for select formats (see below), and only certain character positions are Core (00 and 01, otherwise by format); needed for automated format identification
008 | Fixed Field | N/A | CCS Core | Only certain character positions are Core (see below); needed for automated format identification, searching, other automated functions, and cataloger information
010 | Library of Congress Control Number | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for record matching and cataloger identification |
020 $a | Identifier for the Manifestation - ISBN | 2.15 | RDA Core | Needed for record matching and cataloger identification |
020 $q | Qualification of Identifier for the Manifestation - ISBN | | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Only Core when there are ISBNs for different versions in a single record |
022 $a | Identifier for the Manifestation - ISSN | 2.15 | RDA Core | Needed for record matching and cataloger identification |
024 $a | Identifier for the Manifestation - UPC, EAN, etc. | 2.15 | RDA Core | Needed for record matching and cataloger identification. Only Core for select formats (e.g. sound recordings, video recordings) |
024 $q | Qualification of Identifiers for the Manifestation - UPC, EAN, etc. | | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Only Core for select formats (e.g. sound recordings, video recordings) when there are multiple identifiers of the same type in the record |
028 $a | Publisher's Number | 2.15.2 | RDA Core | Needed for record matching |
028 $q | Qualification of Identifiers for the Manifestation - Publisher's number | | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Only Core when the publisher's number just applies to part of a multi-part item |
035 | OCLC Number | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for record matching |
037 $a | Identifier for the Manifestation - Stock Number | N/A | RDA Core | Only Core for select formats (e.g. video games, eresources) |
037 $q | Qualification of Identifier for the Manifestation - Stock Number Source | N/A | CCS Core | Only Core for select formats (e.g. video games, eresources) |
040 $b | Cataloging Source - Language of Cataloging | N/A | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Should always be "eng" |
040 $e | Cataloging Source - Description conventions | N/A | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Should always be "rda" |
041 $a | Language of Text/Soundtrack | CCS Core | Needed for searching | |
041 $d | Language of Sung/Spoken Text | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for searching |
041 $j | Language of Subtitles | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for searching |
041 $h | Original Language | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for searching |
099 $a | Local Free-Text Call Number | N/A | CCS Core | Core for preliminary records only |
100, 110, 111 | Creator | 19.2, 9.2.2, 11.2.2 | RDA Core | Needed for searching, record identification and for linked data |
1XX $e or $j, 7XX $e or $j | Relationship Designator | 18.5 | CCS Core | Needed for searching |
130, 240 | Preferred Title for the Work | 6.2.2 | RDA Core | Needed for searching & record identification |
245 $a $n $p | Title Proper | 2.3.2, | RDA Core | Needed for searching & record identification |
245 $b, 246 | Parallel Title | 2.3.3 | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification |
245 $b | Other Title Information, Parallel Other Title Information | 2.3.4, 2.3.5 | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification |
245 $c | Statement of responsibility | 2.4.2 | RDA Core / CCS Recommended | Core for first statement only. Needed for searching. (Recommended: Record any others that aid in resource discovery, identification, and selection; especially illustrators, adapters, and translators.) |
246 $a | Variant Title | 2.3.6 | CCS Core | Core for other titles that appear on the resource itself; corrected titles; spelling out of numbers, abbreviations, etc.; and other titles that are considered important for identification or access. Needed for searching. |
247 $a | Earlier Title Proper | 2.3.7 | CCS Core | Core when a title changes. Needed for searching. Only Core for integrating resources |
246 $a | Later Title Proper | 2.3.8 | CCS Core | Core for continuing resources and multivolume monographs with minor title changes. Needed for searching |
250 $a | Designation of Edition | 2.5.2 | RDA Core | Needed for record identification |
255 $a | Horizontal Scale of Cartographic Content | 7.25.3 | RDA Core | Needed for record identification |
255 $b | Projection | 7.26 | CCS Core | Needed for record identification |
257 $a | Place of Production | 2.7.2 | CCS Core | Core for video recordings only. Needed for searching |
264 $a | Place of Publication | 2.8.2 | RDA Core | Core for the first place only |
264 $b | Publisher's Name | 2.8.4 | RDA Core | Core for the first publisher's name only |
264 $c | Date of Publication | 2.8.6 | RDA Core | Needed for searching & record identification. |
300 $a | Extent | 3.4 | RDA Core / CCS Core | Core when resource is complete. CCS Core in all other circumstances. Informational. Needed for record identification & selection |
300 $a, 008/18-20 | Duration | 7.22 | CCS Core | Core for sound recordings and video recordings |
300 $b | Describing Content; Describing Carriers | 3.15, 3.16, 3.18, 3.19.3, 7.15, 7.17, 7.18 | CCS Core | Needed for record identification. Only Core for specified formats & situations (e.g. illustrated children's material) |
300 $c | Dimensions | 3.5 | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Needed for record identification |
300 $e | Related Manifestation - Accompanying Material | 27.1 | CCS Core | Informational. Needed for record identification |
310 $a | Frequency | 2.14 | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers |
336 $a | Content Type | 6.9 | RDA Core | Needed for searching |
337 $a | Media Type | 3.2 | CCS Core | Informational |
338 $a | Carrier Type | 3.3 | RDA Core | Needed for searching |
340 $n | Font Size | 3.13 | CCS Core | Needed for record identification. Only core for Large Print material |
344 $a | Type of Recording | 3.16.2 | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification & record identification |
344 $b | Recording Medium | 3.16.3 | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification & record identification. Only Core for digital sound recordings |
344 $c | Playing Speed | 3.16.4 | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification & record identification. Only Core for analog sound recordings |
346 $a | Video Format | 3.18.2 | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification & record identification |
346 $b | Broadcast Standard | 3.18.3 | CCS Core | Needed for record identification. Only Core for video recordings |
347 $b | Encoding Format | 3.19.3 | CCS Core | Needed for automated format identification & record identification. Only Core for digital sound recordings and digital video recordings |
347 $e | Regional Encoding | 3.19.6 | CCS Core | Core for video recordings and video games, but only when not the standard specific region for the United States |
362 $a | Designation of first issue or part; Designation of last issue or part | 2.6.2, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.6.5 | RDA Core | Informational. Needed for record identification |
380 $a | Form of work | 6.3 | RDA Core | RDA Core only when needed to differentiate between otherwise identical descriptions |
382 $a $b $d $e $n $p $r $s $t | Medium of performance, Number of performers | 7.21 | CCS Recommended | Recommended for performed music. Informational |
490 $a | Title Proper of Series | 2.12.2, | RDA Core | Needed for searching |
490 $v | Numbering within series | 2.12.9 | RDA Core | Needed for record identification |
490 $a | Title Proper of subseries | 2.12.10 | RDA Core | Needed for searching |
490 $v | Numbering within subseries | 2.12.17 | RDA Core | Needed for record identification |
500 $a | General Notes; Related work/expression/manifestation | 2.17, 3.21, 25.1, 26.1, 27.1 | CCS Recommended | Informational |
504 $a | Supplementary Content - Bibliography & Index | 7.16 | CCS Core | Informational. Only Core for books with bibliographies |
Enhanced 505 $g $r $t or Basic 505 $a | Related work; Comprehensive description | 25.1, | CCS CORE for some materials / CCS Recommended for the other materials | Enhanced 505 is Core for the list of materials on the Contents note page. Basic 505 can be added to the items that do not require the enhanced 505. Core when the resource is a collection of 100 or fewer short stories, plays, literary collections, fairy tales, songs except for fake-books (whether text, notated music, or audio recordings), Supreme Court cases, or collective biographies, or is in the series “Representative American Speeches” or “Best American Essays” ; Needed for searching. NOTE: The character length is 3992 characters. Make a second 505 field when the data will be longer. |
508 $a | Artistic and/or Technical Credit | 7.24 | CCS Core | Core for video recordings. Needed for searching. Informational |
511 $a | Performer, Narrator, and/or Presenter | 7.23 | CCS Core | Core for sound recordings and video recordings. Needed for searching & record identification |
520 $a | Summarization of the Content | 7.10 | CCS Core | Needed for record identification. Only Core for children's material and resources that require equipment to use (e.g. sound recordings, video recordings) |
521 $a | Intended Audience | 7.7 | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification. Only Core for children's material |
538 $a | Special Playback Characteristics; Video Characteristics; Equipment of System Requirement; Aspect ratio | 3.16.9, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 7.19 | CCS Core | Core for characteristics or requirements that are beyond what is normal and obvious for the type of carrier. Needed for record identification. |
546 $a | Language of Expression; Language of Content | 6.11, 7.12, 7.13 | CCS Core | Informational. Only Core for multilingual and non-English material |
546 $b | Script/Form of Notation | 7.13 | CCS Core | Informational. Only Core when the language is commonly written in multiple scripts, or when the script is not the standard one for that language or the form of notation is out of the ordinary. |
586 $a | Award | 7.28 | CCS Recommended | Informational only for winners of specific awards (Caldecott Award, Monarch Award, Newbery Award, Rebecca Caudill Award, Bluestem Award, Pulitzer
Prize, National Book Award, Academy Award, Emmy Award, Tony Award, Grammy Award). |
588 $a | Note on Issue, Part, or Iteration used as the basis for Identification of the Resource | 2.17.13 | CCS Core | Informational for catalogers. Only Core for continuing resources |
600, 610, 611, 630, 650, 651 | Subject | N/A | RDA Core | Needed for searching & record identification |
655 | Genre/Form | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification |
700, 710, 711 | Creator; Other Person, Family, or Corporate Body Associated with a Work; Contributor | 19.2, 19.3, 20.2 | CCS Core / CCS Recommended | Core for added creators & other associated entities who share primary responsibility but do not have principal responsibility; needed for searching & for linked data (Recommended: Add any additional entities that would be useful for searching, identification and selection.) |
700, 710, 711, 730 | Related work; Preferred Title for the Work | 25.1, 6.2.2 | CCS Core / CCS Recommended | Core for adaptations and classical music sound recordings; needed for searching & for linked data (Recommended: Add for each title in a contents note, except not for popular music) |
753 $a | System Details Access to Computer Files | N/A | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification. Only Core for video games |
780 $a | Related work - Preceding Title | 25.1 | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification. Only Core for continuing resources |
785 $a | Related work - Succeeding Title | 25.1 | CCS Core | Needed for searching & record identification. Only Core for continuing resources |
800, 810, 811, 830 | Preferred Name for the person; Preferred Name for the Corporate Body; Preferred Title for the Work | 9.2.2, 11.2.2, 6.2.2 | CCS Core | Needed for searching |
856 $u | Electronic location and access (URL) | 4.6 | CCS Core | Informational. Only Core for online electronic resources |
880 | Alternate text graphics | 1.4 | CCS Core | Core for languages with non-Latin writing systems, but only for MARC fields 245, 246, 247, 250, 264, 490, 362, and 5XX. Needed for searching and record identification |
CCS On Order Bibliographic Record Input Standards
When an item is ordered, there is often not enough information to properly catalog the item. Therefore, it is appropriate to use records from a vendor to describe what is being ordered. A library may also hand-key in a record for ordering purposes. An OCLC record is not required for these temporary records, however, a library may add an OCLC record in order to provide better access for patrons.
Supplying acquisitions records provides a way for patrons to place holds on the materials they are interested in.
Duplicate records for the same material causes confusion for patrons. When ordering it is acceptable to have a temporary duplicate record in order to complete the ordering process. However, the duplicate record should be merged as soon as possible.
The minimum information needed for an acquisitions record follows. Additional information is encouraged to assist patrons with identifying the material being ordered.
- Standard publisher numbers such as ISBN (for books), UPC (for AV)
- Creator / Author heading (if applicable)
- Title (in capital letters if possible) NOTE: Videogame records should have the videogame platform from the 753 field in parentheses after the title. See Software, computer games, and videogames for an example.
- Format notes such as large print, video game format, abridged or unabridged audiobook, etc.
- Correct format (TOM) - It is recommended to use the template in the purchase order when manually creating a record in order to create a record with the correct type of material.
Database Management Policy
Revisions to this page were approved on November 9, 2022 by the Executive Committee. This page was approved on July 24, 2019 by Governing Board.