Creating new authority records
When a heading (authorized access point, or AAP) is not in either the CCS database or national authority files, it may be necessary to create a new authority record. First, please check the national authority file in OCLC or at to make sure that the authority record has not been added. If it has, then it can be downloaded and added to the CCS authority file. If there is no authority record for the heading, then submit a help desk ticket to request that the heading be added.
Loading new authority records
Only catalogers who have successfully completed LC NACO training are allowed to import authority records to our system. If you do not have NACO certification, but would like to pursue, feel free to contact CCS staff for more information about training.
Name and title headings
Through their NACO program, the Library of Congress has authorized CCS staff and a number of catalogers at CCS member libraries who have had NACO training to input new authority records into the national authority file and edit existing records. Names (either personal or corporate), series, and uniform titles are all eligible to be added.
Contact the help desk regarding headings that are not in the national authority file that you want to be created there, by adding a help ticket.
- Include any background information that might be needed (such as a link to IMDb or AllMusic).
- Include relevant portions of the item (author's biography, title page, title page verso, series title page, or any other such matter from the item in hand needed to show the form of and warrant for the name or title).
The CCS staff member will then create the national authority record. You will be notified when the record has been added to OCLC and exported to the CCS database.
Subject headings
If you are interested in creating new subject headings or revising an existing subject heading, you can choose to forward information about the subject heading to a relevant subject matter funnel. If you are interested in working on a subject heading proposal, yourself, you also have the option to work with other librarians by using the Cataloging Lab. If you would like CCS staff to assist you with the proposal, contact the help desk, with accompanying information. This information will be forwarded to the SACO for discussion and (hopefully) approval.