Local subject headings

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Local subject headings are not nationally authorized, and are usually coded in fields 690 or 691. Approved headings are under authority control in the Polaris database.

Local subject headings must be approved by the CCS Data Services Librarian. If you are considering using a local subject heading other than those specifically mentioned below, first search for an appropriate authorized form and, if found, use that instead. If you cannot find an authorized form, then contact the Data Services Librarian by opening a help desk ticket.

SCRAP will review headings that may be useful for all CCS libraries.

Criteria to be considered:

  • Is there another already established LCSH heading that could be used?
  • Will the suggested heading only be used for a period of time, such as a short-term summer reading program? Instead of adding a heading, use a record set to promote these items.
  • Does the heading being suggested follow the same structure as an LCSH heading?

Format for Approved Headings

690 _7 Evanston Review.

691 _7  Glencoe (Ill.)‡xLBGTQ+ Collection.

691 _7  Place Name‡xAuthors.
Example: 691 _7  Lake Forest (Ill.)‡xAuthors.

Local Subject Headings for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Topics

The following list of headings can be used by any library in the 691 $x. The library's city needs to be in the 691 $a as it is in the above examples.

691 $x

  • ​Anti-racism picture books.
  • Anti-racism youth fiction.
  • Anti-racism youth nonfiction.
  • Anti-racism adult fiction.
  • BIPOC subject.
  • BIPOC author.
  • DEI subject.
  • Disability subject.
  • Disability author.
  • Intersectional subject.
  • LGBTQIA+ subject.
  • LGBTQIA+ author.
  • Neurodiverse subject.
  • Neurodiverse author.
  • Own voices.
691 _7  Palatine (Ill.)‡xBIPOC subject.

Local Subject Headings for Reading Levels

Libraries are allowed to add local subject headings for reading levels in the 691 field of bibliographic records. The information in the ‡x can be chosen by the library. However, staff should submit a ticket to the help desk for CCS approval before adding the reading levels to the records.

691 _7  Gurnee (Ill.)‡xBeginning readers, 3rd reading level (Green)
691 _7  Palatine (Ill.)‡xEasy Reader Level 2
691 _7  Mount Prospect (Ill.)‡xEarly Reader Level 1 (Pink)